Winja CTF | Nullcon Goa Edition | 23 September 2023
winja ctf nullcon upcomingREGISTRATION Closed REGISTRATION LINK VENUE Birla Institute Of Technology And Science (BITS), Goa START & END DATE 23rd September 2023 at 10:30 IST to 17:30 IST SPONSOR Greetings! Winja CTF is a hybrid event happening online as well as physically at Nullcon Goa 2023. For playing online the event is free however for participating physically one will require a conference pass (Student / Individual / Corporate)
Winja CTF | Nullcon Berlin 2022
winja ctf nullcon berlin 2022 android
Winja @ Wicked6 Cyber Games
winja ctf wicked6 2022Three talks, two interviews, and 1 CTF event was Winja’s contribution for Wicked6 Cyber Games - 2022 Women’s Globa Cyber League.
Winja Unplugged | 26 February 2022
winja talk 2022“What is Cyber Threat Intelligence” by Rishika Desai.
Winja Unplugged | 19 February 2022
winja talk 2022“Android Pentesting” by Shreyal Jain.
Winja Unplugged | 05 February 2022
winja talk 2022“Introduction to Threat Modelling” by Siddhant Chouhan.
Winja Unplugged | 29 January 2022
winja talk 2022“CVE-2018-9206 Workshop” by Sanjay Das.
Winja Unplugged | 22 January 2022
winja talk 2022“sqlmap: Dumb tool? Smart scans.” by Sanjay Das.
Winja Talks | 30 November 2021
winja talk 2021“AI vs. Pandemic - The Fine Line Between Protecting Lives and Privacy Intrusion in the times of Global Pandemic” by Sneha Banerjee.
Winja CTF | c0c0n 2021
online winja ctf c0c0n 2021Winja organised Capture-the-Flag competition for all, women and men participants, at c0c0n 2021 security and hacking virtual conference.
Winja Talks | 09 September 2021
winja talk 2021“So you want to get into Cybersecurity?” by Aditi Bhatnagar. This talk was focused on speaker’s journey into the field of cybersecurity.
Winja Talks | 26 August 2021
winja talk 2021“Building Resilient Communities” by Shivani Singh. This talk was focused on creating communities that are robust, resilient, diverse and what goes behind building something like this.
Winja CTF | Nullcon Goa 2021
online winja ctf nullcon 2020
Winja Meets CTF for GIRLS (CTF4G) | SECCON 2020
winja ctf4g seccon 2020Representatives of Winja CTF (India) and CTF for GIRLS (Japan) communities had a conversation during SECCON 2020 conference.
Winja Talks | 03 October 2020
winja talk recentIn this special edition of Winja Talks, we invited three diverse speakers. While two of the speakers have created challenges for our Winja CTF competitions in recent past, the third speaker belongs to a team that has won several Winja CTF competitions organised by us over the years.
Winja CTF | c0c0n XIII
winja ctf c0c0n 2020Winja organised Capture-the-Flag competition for all, women and men participants, at c0c0n 2020 security and hacking virtual conference.
Winja Blogs | September 2020
winja blog 2020We conducted a technical blog writing workshop for women participants.
Winja Talks | 22 August 2020
winja talk 2020We invited women speakers to present technical talks on a topic of their choice.
Winja CTF | Nullcon Goa 2020
winja ctf nullcon 2020Capture-the-Flag competition was organised for women-only participants at Nullcon Goa 2020 security conferece.